
Some niche details that I've learned by experience in my Rust journey.

Sized & Dynamic Dispatching

Returning different types from a function

Özgün Özerk
Özgün Özerk

Pin & Unpin

Things that shouldn't move in Rust

Özgün Özerk
Özgün Özerk

Unsafe Rust

Modifying a vector in place without locks

Özgün Özerk
Özgün Özerk

Type State Pattern

designing a safe API

Özgün Özerk
Özgün Özerk


mut keyword position

Özgün Özerk
Özgün Özerk

Send & Mutex

Deep dive to Send & Sync using Mutex

Özgün Özerk
Özgün Özerk

Get in touch

If you want to contact me, feel free to send a connection request from LinkedIn. I'm friendly :)